Лейблы    Eastern Recordings
Eastern Recordings

Eastern Recordings

Styles: Techno, Minimal, Ambient, Tech-House, Deep-House, Breakbeat
Location:   Netherlands
Date Established: 2004

Source's preview (
EAR is thé online weblabel from the Eastside of The Netherlands. In the near future you will find online tracks for download. Then you can copy this for your friends and have a good time. It is prohibited to sell our records in a commercial way without our knowledge. See this page for more info about use of our music.
If you have any questions,messages or you have interest for licencing our tracks, you can use the concact us page.

History of EAR
Grounded in 1996 by two enthousiastic gentlemen. After several years J-rone was joining our crew. So the three of us went on with producing all kinds of wicked electronic dance music, which resulted in releases on Direct-Drive, E-motion, Cool Beats, KYR and so further. After a while working for different labels, we decided to go further on our own as a netlabel. The reason was that producing for labels was increasing our creativity, because you had to make music on demand. You had to follow the rules of commercial recordlabels. That wasn’t our thing anymore. So we want to make music that we like and even it doesn’t make money (so be it), it gives us much more joy. After a while working with our netlabel, other musicians began to offer tracks for this netlabel. So Ear has becoming a platform for sophistacated electronic dancemusic and electronic to listen to. Artists all over the world as Sacha Müller, East Island, Moderator, Phil Baker, Jerzz an many more did release on our label. Thanks everybody for the music!
So now we can write a new chapter about the adventures of EAR. A new website and a new policy of releasing. No more sublabels, but releases with different music on it. Deephouse, techno, minimal, techhouse, ambient, breakbeat. It all can come together on 1 release.

Релизы Eastern Recordings
Eastern Recordings's releases

Cooperate EP
Techno Acid  
Комментарии - 0
The system has failed EP
Комментарии - 0
Handle with care Album
Комментарии - 0
Zuur EP
February 2014
Комментарии - 0
Deep in soul EP
October 2013
Комментарии - 0
New world order EP
Комментарии - 0
Selected tracks Volume Eight
Комментарии - 1
Make you EP
September 2012
Electronic Techno  
Комментарии - 0
Cern EP
Комментарии - 0
Apnea EP
Ambient Breakbeat Electronic ...  
Комментарии - 0
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