Techno-Релизы    2008    December
[stadtgruen044] Pat. Diessner - Gedankentru"mmer

[stadtgruen044] Pat. Diessner - Gedankentru"mmer

Label: Stadtgruen
Catalog: stadtgruen044
Released: 20.12.2008
Styles: Minimal Tech-House Techno
Total time: 47:15
Size: 86.06 MB

1. Under Water 07:12 min (13.02 MB)
2. What's Next 08:27 min (15.05 MB)
3. Lichtmaschine 07:35 min (13.09 MB)
4. Gedankentrümmer 09:44 min (17.08 MB)
5. Schattenwurf 06:59 min (12.08 MB)
6. In Den Augen Der Anderen 07:18 min (13.04 MB)

Source's preview
Straying Fractions
Suddenly this thought popps into your head and you realize - the melody this children is humming would perfectly match the track I have abandoned earlier ... I forgot again to buy milk ... Oh shit, Christmas is too near again ...
Sometimes it seems like we have all the facts that assemble our world permanently present and at the same time we lost most of them in the depths of our own awareness unreachable. They pop up incidentally, mostly when you don't think of them and when it's very much not the right time.
If it weren't like that, we would have to decide again and again what's important for the moment and what's not.
Taking things for granted is an amazing ability we should make ourselves aware of.

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