Techno-Релизы    2009    August
[JNN047] Mystahr - Summer Solstice Live ~ TR2

[JNN047] Mystahr - Summer Solstice Live ~ TR2

Catalog: JNN047
Format: File, MP3, 320 kbps 
Released: 07.08.2009
Styles: Electronic Experimental
Total time: 01:03:57
Size: 119.91 MB

Source's preview
This hour+ long performance happened on the Summer Solstice of 2009.
The kind people of held their annual online festival which had gathered 25 electronic musicians from around the globe performing for over 15 hours straight. It certainly was a special event that we’ll certainly see and hear more from in the future.
Definately a privilege to be a part of this event, so thanks go out to the organizers and people behind electro-music
Furthermore the watchful eye may have noticed the TR2 reference in the artwork.
This recording is part of a special tryptich of long recordings. Beware there will be one more hour long performance on a netlabel near you this year soon. The first of this serie was released on Earth Mantra.


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