Techno-Релизы    2009    January
[RB050 ] Mem1  - Stationary Drift

[RB050 ] Mem1 - Stationary Drift

Label: Resting Bell
Catalog: RB050
Format: 4  File, MP3, 320 kbps 
Released: 15.01.2009
Styles: Ambient Experimental
Total time: 27:15
Size: 51.09 MB

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Stationary Drift by Mem1 (Mark and Laura Cetilia) is a calm and beautiful 4-track EP combining electronic sounds and cello to an organic musical symbiosis.

This EP starts with Hanging Valley, a easeful and meditative piece, with soft droning cello sounds and electronic glitches like footsteps in the snow. “Accretion” begins with a deep growling tone under a layer of light sound-textures, ending in a loud merging movement. You can hear dripping notes and oscillating high tones like glaring sunlight in “Penitentes”, named after a special snow formation found at high altitudes. And in “Stationary Drift” you can hear a sonic fog, everything covered with a nebulous blanket.

A perfect soundtrack for a walk in the snowy forest, listening to crunching snow under your feet and feeling the cold and clear air around your nose. Or to cool down a bit if you live in the southern hemisphere with some warm summer weather these days.

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