Techno-Релизы    2009    June
The Ambient Collective - Sonic strata

The Ambient Collective - Sonic strata

Label: Ambient Collective
Format: VBR MP3
Released: 01.06.2009
Styles: Ambient
Size: 63.9 MB

1. Strata Part One
2. Strata Part Two
3. Strata Part Three

Source's preview
It's been a few years in the making... but it's finally here and it's free to download, stream and share!
The premise:
Three tracks... four artist collaborating on one each. Each artist built a layer and then sent it on to the next artist. The result? An incredibly rich and diverse ambient release.
This is our first "true" collaboration release.
Featuring Jujigen, Echomatrix, Palancar, Steve Gane, usr/sbin, Somnarium, Modulator ESP, Phrozenlight, Sonoprint and Bluejooz.


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