Techno-Релизы    2009    March
[JNN026] Pighood - Klippklappkeppilookie

[JNN026] Pighood - Klippklappkeppilookie

Catalog: JNN026
Format: File, MP3, 192 kbps 
Released: 07.03.2009
Styles: Experimental IDM
Total time: 48:35
Size: 54.66 MB

Source's preview
Q1: What is this Pighood already?
A1: An nounjective pertaining to apricot colored winter garment worn by the fartist in 1978 to the amusement and of a big titty school chum named Claudia. Ohai!)

Q2: What the hell, dude?
A2: A sleepy brain invents scenarios wot make a wakey brain shrug and go “ummm…waht?” The audio portion of mines winds up in this here digital format for your amusement/derision/inertia. It don’t get no deeper than that.

Q3: Where to now, Saint Pighood?
A3: Circuit City methinks…I wish to make tinkle on the remaining fixtures.


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