Techno-Релизы    2009    March
[RB055] Brunk  - Winter ep

[RB055] Brunk - Winter ep

Label: Resting Bell
Catalog: RB055
Format: 4  File, MP3, EP, 256 kbps 
Released: 26.03.2009
Styles: Ambient Drone
Total time: 20:51
Size: 31.27 MB

Source's preview
brunk is the solo-project of Bert Vanden Berghe, homerecording musician, born in 1977 and now living in Ghent, Belgium. Bert started with brunk in 1998; he just wanted to record and experiment with music in a free way, without stylistic restrictions or a predefined direction. Other brunk-releases are available from WM Recordings and Dog Eared Records.

The “winter ep” contains 4 tracks with a complete duration of 21 minutes, recorded in February 2008. All 4 pieces are slow, contemplative and guitar-driven with additional sounds and noises. Only “Laika’s view”, the first track, is really drone-based with floating noises and haunting melodies. The three other pieces are full of beautiful envolving guitar-melodies, enriched with background-noises, nature-sounds, talking, walking, footsteps and feedbacks.

Very calming, soothing and beauteous. The perfect release to welcome the spring.

All tracks written and produced by Bert Vanden Berghe

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