Techno-Релизы    2009    May
[Zimmer043] NeoG  - In my world (hungary)

[Zimmer043] NeoG - In my world (hungary)

Catalog: Zimmer043
Format: MP3, 320kbps, stereo
Released: 26.05.2009
Styles: Techno
Total time: 42:00
Size: 91MB

043.01 - NeoG - Deep Inside (08:01)
043.02 - NeoG - Electronic Anthem (08:05)
043.03 - NeoG - Virtual Fantasy (08:03)
043.04 - NeoG - Tribal Life (08:01)
043.05 - NeoG - Princess Bridget (09:45)

Source's preview
In philosophy, the World is everything that makes up reality. While clarifying the concept of world has arguably always been among the basic tasks of Western philosophy, this theme appears to have been raised explicitly only at the start of the twentieth century and has been the subject of continuous debate. The question of what the world is has by no means been settled //wikipedia


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