Techno-Релизы    2009    October
[pf007] Kit Kat - Sehnsucht

[pf007] Kit Kat - Sehnsucht

Catalog: pf007
Format: VBR MP3
Released: 30.10.2009
Styles: Techno
Size: 19.4 MB

1. Oucho
2. Bajo Debajo

Source's preview
The quasi-mystical experience of this new release from master KiT KAT is rare to find within the techno universe. Two tracks almost made for listening together, a voyage thru the dark tunnel of Oucho with a little light at the end to reach the still-some-hope tenor of Bajo Debajo. Pedro Lombardi continues his electronic adventures thru the mists of unconciousness and the winds of unknown in the quest for something vaguely remembered and maybe impossible to meet again.


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