Techno-Релизы    2009    September
[RRR139] Vincent Lillis - Purple Magpie

[RRR139] Vincent Lillis - Purple Magpie

Label: Rack & Ruin Records
Catalog: RRR139
Released: September 2009
Styles: Industrial Techno

Source's preview
Rurple Magpie is an album that was lost and found, and finally shared. The songs contained within were finished within a space of a few months in 2007, when Vincent was meant to be studying for his last year exams in school. Although he admits that last year was spent "mainly in a drugged haze, reading Victorian poetry and falling down ditches".
To explain the lost/found analogy, it involves a computer, a knocked desk, and a window. Contained within the hard disk drive of the computer was a certain Purple Magpie. Thanks to the powers of recovery, this once lost recording has now been technologically dusted off, and is finally being shared for others.
On to the music - there is a definite touch of the industrial, a smattering of punk, a sprinkling of 90s techno, and an off-kilter nod to the past. If you can imagine The Fall, The Shamen and The Shadow Ring meeting in a disused factory for a late night drug fueled jam session, then this is Vincent Lillis' interpretation of how that might have gone.
On a side note, Econ Bust (short for economy bust) was made way before the economic crisis that is eating away at the worlds economy. Vincent Lillis makes music for the future.

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