Techno-Релизы    2009    September
[Coda004] Alozeau - In EP

[Coda004] Alozeau - In EP

Catalog: Coda004
Format: 4  File, MP3
Released: September 2009
Styles: Ambient Electronic IDM
Size: 43.6 MB

1 - The Finding
2 - Lost Inside
3 - And then becomes calm
4 - In

Source's preview
Coda Netlabel tiene el placer de recibir en nuestra casa a uno de los grandes valores del dark ambient del panorama netlabero español. Duro e intenso, demos la bienvenida a Alozeau, quien nos brinda cuatro temas dirigidos a nuestra línea de flotación cerebral... Coda Netlabel is very proud to receive in our house one of most talented dark ambient producers in Spanish Netaudio scene. Strong and intense, we welcome to Alozeau, who give us four tracks focused in our cerebral water line....


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