Techno-Релизы    2009    September
[earman097] Tony Gerber - Colour My Dream

[earman097] Tony Gerber - Colour My Dream

Label: Earth Mantra
Catalog: earman097
Format: 7  File, MP3, 320 kbps 
Released: 16.09.2009
Styles: Ambient Electronic
Total time: 60:52
Size: 147 MB

01 - Colour My Dream (9:24, 21.9 MB)
02 - Dream_Blue (16:52, 39.5 MB)
03 - Dream_Aquamarine (11:10, 26.1 MB)
04 - Dream_Ochre (6:10, 14.4 MB)
05 - Dream_Gold (7:24, 17.3 MB)
06 - Road To My Dream (7:27, 17.4 MB)
07 - Dream_Leaf Green (2:32, 5.9 MB)

Source's preview
It is a very great pleasure to welcome Tony Gerber to Earth Mantra, with his radiant brand new release entitled Colour My Dream.
As any fan of space music will know, Tony Gerber is one of the true veterans and masters of the genre, as well as one of the hardest working and most prolific artists anywwhere. Beloved around the world for his solo music as well as his work with legendary space music group SPACECRAFT, Tony also maintains one of the most rigorous concert schedules we've ever heard of, as part of his Second Life music project Cypress Rosewood. If that weren't enough, he is also the founder of the world class Space For Music label, which offers absolutely brilliant ambience and some of the true classics of the space music genre. Finally, he is simply one of the coolest human beings we've ever had the opportunity to meet.

Of course, we literally jumped at the opportunity when Tony asked us if we would be interested in releasing his latest CD. We have known Tony's music for many years now, and having attended a significant percentage of his live concerts, we are more than a little bit in awe of his massive talent. So, we knew it was going to be good before we ever listened to this album for the first time. But beyond even our high expectations, we were stunned by the towering achievement this album represents. It is simply glorious.

On Colour My Dream, Tony brings the full force of his gifts to bear, combining lush keyboards with tasteful guitar work and exquisite Native American flute mastery. The tone of the music is dreamy and soothing, but with just the perfect amount of edge to keep the senses fresh and the mind fully engaged. Truly the hallmark of Tony's music is his singular ability to combine simple and evocative melodies with polished and immaculate sound design, where the whole truly is greater than the sum of the parts. You have to hear this music to really understand what we are saying.

We are particularly struck by pieces like Dream_Gold, where he fuses the ancient resonance of the wood flute with futuristic keyboards and delicately sequenced synthesizers. Such craftsmanship, such virtuosity, is difficult to grasp. This album really is that good.

We are absolutely thrilled to be bringing our listeners the music of Tony Gerber, and are even more excited that his first Earth Mantra release is such a monumental work. Nothing less than music for the ages.


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