Techno-Релизы    2010    April
[bp056] Fescal - Lethal Industry

[bp056] Fescal - Lethal Industry

Label: bypass
Catalog: bp056
Format: 8  File, MP3, 320 kbps 
Released: 04.04.2010
Styles: Ambient
Total time: 35:50
Size: 67.19 MB

1. Lethal Industry (5:27)
2. Aboon (5:03)
3. Orichalcum (5:39)
4. Lost Contact (3:24)
5. The Harbour Master (4:15)
6. Egyptian Lotus (2:31)
7. Wayfaring Geography (5:41)
8. On Fire (3:48)

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About Fescal:
Fescal is an artist who was born in Co.Durham, England, but now he lives and works in South Korea.

Fescal was conceived [as in 'concept'] in a hotel lobby on Dec 6th 2009, at approximately 9 am. The Hotel Hilton acted as the trigger for a quick rЁєverie on the state of electronic music at the beginning of the 21st Century. Through a series of unplanned events and actions, coincidences and convergences, Fescal became the focus for a 'nice' perception of contemporary culture, dedicated to developing and sharing a critical eye within a culture that is quickly becoming synonymous with 'pure entertainment'.Although not secretive, Fescal remains anonymous - It means to walk the tightrope between the complexity of the issues addressed and an Ё№ber-conformist approach to cultural dissimilarity - placing itself in the middle of the syndromes it analyses and critiques. So, for the time being and for all we know, one of these days it might surface as a reality show...

Release notes:
Knowingly realized with poor half technicians, with the full conscience to dirty the vision, with material picked up from the road, the internet and archives, Lethal Industry lives and represents a tarred but yet casual beatification. Hollow lived, outdate and undernourished, to recreate for not producing convenience in the vision while the fresh bitumen of the tonality penetrates in the garments of the unknown and foreign.

"The share of our subservient illusions - the balance - and still run away the consistency of things, the pernicious perception of senses and ideas - Confusion - escape the unwelcome reality - rush over more - believe it - losing touch - believe - take a side road and sometimes abandon all control - Pragmatic and insightful. Fescal explores this portion of our glittering desires where are meshing delicate balance between benign outlook and terra incognita - a diffuse frontier bordering distant interlaced grating and sometimes a few slender dark laminars (aboon) - But stop ! Back to reality - a single moment - the thickness of our (precious?) evidences - a short moment but the matrix distorts again and not without a graceful agility - soon the contact will be broken, sailing on an uncertain surface, unless we still are not dockside - motionless traveler - a certainty ... In the meantime, keep on cheering !" says he somewhere." ЁC Thierry Massard


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