Techno-Релизы    2010    December
[Zimmer064] Steve pain  - Pandorum

[Zimmer064] Steve pain - Pandorum

Catalog: Zimmer064
Format: MP3, 320kbps, stereo
Released: December 2010
Styles: Techno
Total time: 27:09
Size: 62MB

064.01 – Steve Pain – Pandorum
064.02 – Steve Pain – Eisentanz
064.03 – Steve Pain – A guy called Sarrazin
064.04 – Brad Lee – The Draw (Aspertam against Steve Pain rmx)

Source's preview
While exploring the spacecraft under Payton’s radio guidance, Bower talks with Payton about Pandorum, a psychological condition brought on by extended periods of deep-space travel and hypersleep. Its symptoms and effects include severe paranoia, vivid hallucinations, and homicidal tendencies. Payton recounts the story of another ship, the Eden, in which a single member of the flight crew, affected by Pandorum, jettisoned 5000 others into the oblivion of space. As Bower continues searching the ship, he encounters dead bodies and fast-moving humanoid creatures [wikipedia]


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