Techno-Релизы    2010    March
[SLNT013] Contact t.b.d. - StringStrang

[SLNT013] Contact t.b.d. - StringStrang

Catalog: SLNT013
Format: 4  File, MP3, 320 kbps 
Released: 29.03.2010
Styles: Acoustic

1. Prologue [1:24]
2. StringStrang (part 1) [15:20]
3. StringStrang (part 2) [10:51]
4. Epilogue [3:24]

Source's preview
StringStrang is the acoustic follow-up of StrangString [ca358], where the dark side of sounds is explored. StringStrang is about minimalism and repetition, like waves of the sea which come and go. All instruments were recorded at home and the fieldrecordings were made in a corridor of a hospital.


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