Techno-Релизы    2010    May
[Eg0_022] Pura Sombar - Tongues falling from an opened sky EP

[Eg0_022] Pura Sombar - Tongues falling from an opened sky EP

Label: Eg0cide Productions
Catalog: Eg0_022
Format: File, FLAC, EP 
Released: 08.05.2010
Styles: Drone
Size: 27.1 MB

Source's preview
Pura Sombar is a duo of 2 cousins : Kecap Tilil and kecap Tuyul, they have released 2 albums on the french cdr label CommA
Their music is quite hard to describe (ranging from melancholic psych folk, droney free rock, esoteric improvisations) so check samples on their myspace page

Tongues falling from an opened sky is their most spacey and droney recording to date. It was made with only stringed instruments (and effects). Its troubled, fragile harmonies (like fallen from broken spheres) will take you in a 21 min drift between stellar melancholy and oceanic peace…


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