Techno-Релизы    2010    November
[dw074] Edge of october - The death of days

[dw074] Edge of october - The death of days

Label: Dark Winter
Catalog: dw074
Format: 7  File, MP3, 256 kbps 
Released: November 2010
Styles: Ambient
Size: 64.6 MB

01 - the inevitable (12.3 MB)
02 - ghost signals i . transmissions from a ruined city (11.4 MB)
03 - exhumation (16.8 MB)
04 - memory and machines (11.3 MB)
05 - ghost signals ii . having weathered the storm (12.2 MB)
06 - wind in the wires (11.8 MB)
07 - ghost signals iii . our last, best hope (12.0 MB)

Source's preview
I have recently spent a lot of time immersed in the post apocalytic genre: movies, books, television, games.
There are numerous themes & images that are common throughout most of the various works. These songs are a reaction to these common threads and my own coming to terms with the end of the world; and what the future may hold for myself and mankind.

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