Techno-Релизы    2010    October
[SLNT019] Second Thought & Noisesurfer  - Oncoming Storm

[SLNT019] Second Thought & Noisesurfer - Oncoming Storm

Catalog: SLNT019
Format: MP3, 44100Hz, 320kbps
Released: 24.10.2010
Styles: Ambient Drone Electronic
Total time: 63:03

Second Thought:
1. LZT Leads to Melt the Room [13:55]
2. RECAB-A.Exception [06:40]
3. Maelstrom [14:58]

4. Dark Starlight [06:35]
5. Passengers (Ryders on the Storm) [03:25]
6. After the Storm [03:53]
7. Report of the Dark Time [05:59]
8. Ground Away [02:14]
9. Underwater [05:44]

Source's preview
Second Thought and Noisesurfer have worked together in the past, notably on two co-produced tracks on the first Noisesurfer album. This time they come together and each offer thirty minutes of music to form a haunting album of fuzzy dark ambience.
Second Thought offers up three epic drone pieces, each setting a tone in its early moments and building slowly towards a thundering climax. Noisesurfer complements these pieces with a series of dusty shoegaze ambient works, fuzzy guitars and pianos buried beneath layers of synths and unknown sounds, forming a melancholy contrast to Second Thought’s sinister first half.


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