Techno-Релизы    2010    October
[wh134] Ghostheory and Tree Helicopter - The Insidious Effects of Nostalgia

[wh134] Ghostheory and Tree Helicopter - The Insidious Effects of Nostalgia

Label: Webbed Hand Records
Catalog: wh134
Format: 3  File, MP3, 320 kbps 
Released: 24.10.2010
Styles: Ambient Drone

01 The Insidious Effects of Nostalgia: Part One (00:15:29)
02 The Insidious Effects of Nostalgia: Part Two (00:15:31)
03 The Insidious Effects of Nostalgia: Part Three (00:30:00)

Source's preview
A team-up of Ghostheory with Tree Helicopter has resulted in richly textured long-form dark ambient compositions.

Ghostheory provided a set of dramatic and complex recordings that were then given radical processing and a final mix-and-mastering by Tree Helicopter in late October, 2010. The result is a three-part suite that evokes ever-changing movement and activity, filtered through curtains of darkness…


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