Techno-Релизы    2011    April
[Sadayatana 020] Little Cthulhus Are Adorable

[Sadayatana 020] Little Cthulhus Are Adorable

Label: Sadayatana
Catalog: Sadayatana 020
Format: 131kbps mp3
Released: 02.04.2011
Styles: Ambient Field recordings Podcast
Size: 168.2 MB

00:00 Budhaditya Chattopadhyay - Benaras
04:00 Sadayatana - Intro
04:47 Psychophony 425 - principle of abstinence - principle of death
09:47 Guild - Atonement (excerpt)
12:18 Andrey Kiritchenko - Violet Molecule
14:16 fosel - The Great Awkwardness (KM Krebs remix)
36:09 Demi-Biche & Gryphee - Pulsations
44:40 Psychophony 425 - ...trapped 700 meters below ground
47:27 Psychophony 425 - principle of abstinence - principle of death
52:19 Psychophony 425 - no one achievement exit with life...but
57:26 Sadayatana - Voiceover...
62:47 Shane Morris - Live on Sadayatana
116:48 Sadayatana - Voiceover...
119:56 oVdk / Bunk Data - Distant Refraction
132:11 Deep Into Perspectives - Sylvia's Old House
137:07 Agustín Medina - Temperature of variable color
143:55 nTh - Ire Spiritum et Redire
146:04 Deep Into Perspectives - Sawmill Symphonics
150:19 Andrew Hayleck - Body in the marsh
154:04 Deep Into Perspectives - The Last Dance
158:47 Legion - Haunted cathedral (Edgeist glass remix)
160:53 Andrew Hayleck - Killer eludes the cops
164:37 Radio Derry - We All Float (excerpt)
166:18 Legion - Outroduction void
170:59 Xalm Retribution - Graveyard
177:25 nTh - Sensit se Raptum in Spiritus
177:31 Sadayatana - Show Outro

Source's preview
Epic set by Shane Morris. A couple glitches but somehow they go with the set.

Tried going for a dark cinematic type of ambient. Hope you like it.

Thanks to the KMUD (shortwave) Mojave Phone Booth Broadcast for the brief sample regarding Cryogenics...


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