Techno-Релизы    2011    April
[Sadayatana 023] At The Risk of Gossiping

[Sadayatana 023] At The Risk of Gossiping

Label: Sadayatana
Catalog: Sadayatana 023
Format: 159kbps mp3
Released: 29.04.2011
Styles: Ambient Podcast
Size: 210.6 MB

00:00 Disturbed Earth - jalousie
31:01 Sadayatana - Intro
32:43 iaiko - image.1
42:17 i am esper and mystified - Disintegration 4
50:20 bullethead - Destructive Creativity
53:03 Wavespan & Mystified - Piano in Slow Motion 3 (Mystified Remix)
56:23 Mystified - Winds Hands Edit
56:29 C. Reider - Heir Obscur
60:03 C. Reider - Down Phantom
69:00 Subseason - Ocean
107:28 Sadayatana - Voiceover
109:58 Various - Otoscope
139:55 Shane Morris - The Earth Speaks
149:43 Palancar - Grandmother of the Dawn
159:48 Shane Morris - By the Fire's Light
171:15 Disturbed Earth - shanty
184:29 Sadayatana - Outro

Source's preview
Filling in for Vir Unis on Rabbit Hole Radio, it's kind of a combo Sadayatana RHR flavored show.

I took it easy and played some of my favorite longer tracks. A couple from Disturbed Earth's excellent release "hotel", and one of my favorite tracks from the Darkwinter netlabel, Subseason: II.

Wrapping things up with tracks from Shane Morris' tribal flavored release "Equinox", among other assorted groovy tracks.


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