Techno-Релизы    2011    August
[Sadayatana 040] Underwater Sculptures

[Sadayatana 040] Underwater Sculptures

Label: Sadayatana
Catalog: Sadayatana 040
Format: 149kbps MP3
Released: 12.08.2011
Styles: Ambient Drone Noise Soundscapes Podcast
Size: 182.3 MB

00:00 gdrago - lung
09:51 Fescal - Aboon
13:55 Claudio Curciotti - Mumbay. Hand washing 1
14:55 Joe Frawley - Sound Collage No.1: Invocation of Pan
16:37 Fescal - Lethal Industry
21:07 w.x - Auriga
25:07 D.Minoza/M. Peck - Primer
29:03 stk - 20101216
31:38 Bagryanii Schliach - Chorne Ptastvo
35:39 Joe Frawley - Sound Collage No. 2: Wilhelmina's Dream (1914)
42:00 McKlain - Incertidumbre
48:37 Jack Hertz - Primal Desire
58:11 Fescal - 13 Door Cinema
61:31 900piesek - Lonesome Abyss (crash: meeting point in slow motion)
66:36 Light Implant - Half Apocalypse
69:46 Ceptual - Awaken earth
73:12 Indo - Uktha
78:43 The Imogen Projekt - sync
81:25 The Imogen Projekt - isolate
83:10 The Imogen Projekt - sync
84:57 The Imogen Projekt - isolate
85:54 The Imogen Projekt - insane architect
88:48 The Imogen Projekt - Soundscapes Of The Forgotten Green Froggs part 3
95:18 The Imogen Projekt - travellar
96:33 The Imogen Projekt - Soundscapes Of The Forgotten Green Froggs part 3
99:55 The Imogen Projekt - Sync
103:07 I.M.M.U.R.E. - Somnia
119:21 Kit Watkins - Circle of Rain
123:35 Joe Frawley - Sound Collage No. 4: The Stenographer's Assistant
128:37 Kit Watkins - Man/Machine
133:27 Shane Morris & Anton Mobin - Riot Lab
138:27 Fescal - Lost Contact
138:45 Muied Lumens - Teleport No 54
148:27 CrepusculaR - Low Astral Invokation
164:33 Annette Hanshaw - Ain't He Sweet
166:50 The Imogen Projekt - Travellar

Source's preview
New track from a collaboration between Dan Miñoza and M. Peck: "Primer" A tease from an upcoming release. Awesome.

Tracks from Jack Hertz, Shane Morris & Anton Mobin, and Muied Lumens. All from the new collaboration of regulars: "No Labels No Musics II". Great release, more of this later.

Big mix of tracks by The Imogen Projekt, thrown together in a way that makes it just one big long spacy track.

Couple tracks from Kit Watkins' release "Circle". Rain, Train... hard to beat. Early environmental ambient.

Some early Joe Frawley mixed in. Love his music.


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