01. Lily Of The Valley
02. Limpid Waters
03. Subtle Fragrance
04. A Peaceful Walk Down Lenin Street
05. Lilac Breeze
06. Birch Grove
07. Let It Go
08. Lucid Remembrance
09. Quiet Solitude
10. When Sound Is Turning Into Light
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The main idea of the album is, that sometimes music and some sounds achieve that sort of condition, when they got into transition between sound and light. It is not the plain son et lumire, but it is some kind of not-of-this-dimension energetic phenomenon. The sound gets enlightened. It sends shivers down your spine. In this release I made an attempt, be it successful or not, to imprint such feelings. Don’t judge too strictly – it is a subjective approach. Just let your minds flow to beauty, relief and inner concord. Stop doing vain things. Do what you really need in the name of lucidity.
P.S. This release appears to be the last release on Tukuringra netlabel. Since this very moment Tukuringra’s activity is put to an end, as well as the rest of my releasing activity (with the exception of some pending submissions on other labels) . If there will be any new music, it will be released under different names, and it will be done anonymously. However, I strongly doubt about any new music from me. The project “Kirill Platonkin” is closed. Thank you all for your kind thoughts, words and your subtle warming presence in the field of my consciousness.