Techno-Релизы    2011    February
[treetrunk133] Mysterybear - Complex Silence 12

[treetrunk133] Mysterybear - Complex Silence 12

Catalog: treetrunk133
Released: 25.02.2011
Styles: Ambient Drone Soundscapes
Total time: 26:34

01. Gyre II
02. Ylem

Source's preview
The Complex Silence series is indeed fortunate to once again host a release by Dave Seidel, aka mysterybear. What's in store for us with this fresh release are two tracks of Dave's signature drones, utterly beautiful in their mathematical perfection and grandeur. There's an added layer in these tracks as well, and we'll let mysterybear explain:

"These pieces both employ the technique of binaural beating, and are thus most effective if you listen with headphones. Gyre II is made with nothing but sine waves, and is dedicated to ELEH. It was premiered as part of the "Disruptive Stillness" exhibition that took place at Jean Paul Slusser Gallery of the University of Michigan School of Art & Design in Ann Arbor, January 2011. The concept behind Ylem is the emergence of sound from the creative void - starting simply, growing in complexity, and finally returning to the void from whence it came."

Music composed and produced by Dave Seidel
Artwork by Phillip Wilkerson


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