Techno-Релизы    2011    February
[Sadayatana 015] Music for Roosters

[Sadayatana 015] Music for Roosters

Label: Sadayatana
Catalog: Sadayatana 015
Format: MP3, 152 Kbps
Released: 26.02.2011
Styles: Ambient Drone Electronic Podcast
Size: 115.8 MB

02:38 Louigi Verona - Life In The Troposphere
46:09 arexx - the field
55:45 Outra-G - Tezuka's Song
58:36 Outra-G - Angels With Dirty Faces
60:35 Nasienie - House On The Hill
63:20 Mindlosh - O_o
69:40 Mindlosh - Unbrained
73:09 loopool - troposphere
102:42 Sadayatana - Explaining the unexplainable...

Source's preview
This is an impromptu show from this past Wednesday night. It was more of an experimental, just for fun testing type deal, not really meant to be podcast. But then disaster struck --my computer died.

If you were listening Friday at the regularly scheduled time for Sadayatana you may have noticed it was a repeat of a previous show. Well now you know why. But the podcast must go on, so here is the show from Wednesday. Computer repairs going good. See you next week.


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