Techno-Релизы    2011    January
[SLNT021] Tulo Contour - Audiot

[SLNT021] Tulo Contour - Audiot

Catalog: SLNT021
Format: MP3, 44100Hz, 320kbps
Released: January 2011
Styles: Ambient Experimental
Total time: 70:17

1. Analog Tzikotukha [06:33]
2. Otbit [01:34]
3. Usbac [01:14]
4. The Room of the Wind [06:04]
5. Shocked Impressions about the First Visiting
the Electro Escalator in a Public Place [03:09]
6. Cheerdak [02:57]
7. Empty Tank [03:37]
8. Stonegrowing Tree [05:37]
9. Melodic Videoattach [10:58]
10. Ubakarrow [06:01]
11. Kitchenbac [02:19]
12. Ubak [03:08]
13. Bitumshaker [02:23]
14. Muzhak [05:13]
15. Vibrat [03:49]
16. Vantuss [03:27]
17. Moonshtoock [02:15]

Source's preview
‘Audiot’ is a live improvisation which was recorded during a rehersal and performance in which ‘Oloolo’ (Tulo Countour’s former name) took part together with Pan Sonic project. The show was organized in one of the Riga shooting range / bombshelter built in soviet period, which already was used to be the place where large rave parties took place even in the 90’s. The performance was held in august 2002, all tracks where recorded on a casette taperecorder ‘TEAC’. The album was held in the archive from then.

‘Audiot’ continues the traditions of last year’s ‘Trip in the Mushroom Forest’, although it was created 2 years earlier. Self-made synthesizers and good old Polivoks were used during the improvisation process. All tracks produced by Kriipis Tulo and Space Contour.


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