Techno-Релизы    2011    July
[sadayatana036] Chair Squeaking, Slowed Down

[sadayatana036] Chair Squeaking, Slowed Down

Label: Sadayatana
Catalog: sadayatana036
Format: 145kbps MP3
Released: 15.07.2011
Styles: Ambient Podcast
Size: 187.8 MB

00:00 Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov - The Festival at Bagdad (excerpt, edit, Cleveland Orchestra, conducted by Artur Rodzinski, violin Josef Fuchs)
00:31 Saluki Regicide - Snow In The Library
05:59 Saluki Regicide - Rain III
10:14 Saluki Regicide - Whispering
13:44 Seetyca With Mystified - Thonus Conae
18:58 Saluki Regicide - Boogies and Ghosts
23:47 mystified - Cavern Of Tile
27:31 Saluki Regicide - Electricity and Progress
30:31 Saluki Regicide - Rain III
32:17 Saluki Regicide - Swanee
36:19 Saluki Regicide - Rain III
41:14 Saluki Regicide - Ghosts Of Silent Spring
44:31 Saluki Regicide - Rain III
47:43 Saluki Regicide & Mystified - Not a Dream
53:20 mystified - Cavern Of Tile
56:09 Djinnestan - A Locket of Hair
60:20 Djinnestan - Rain I
71:10 Sadayatana - Intro
75:02 Djinnestan - It's Just the Wind
87:10 Djinnestan - Purr (76min)
87:21 Djinnestan - It's Just the Wind
87:35 Saluki Regicide - The Robot Had to Obey
87:36 Djinnestan - Purr (76min)
87:48 Saluki Regicide - The Robot Had to Obey
92:01 Djinnestan - Purr (76min)
95:29 Saluki Regicide - Tea Leaves
99:33 Saluki Regicide - Mooring Mast
103:37 Seetyca With Mystified - Trombona Thaumatica
112:32 Djinnestan - Paralalia
121:33 Zreen Toyz - Incongruous Talk From Theodolite
132:26 The Implicit Order - Kingdom Of Blood
138:05 Auzel - I Remember It More Now
140:26 The Implicit Order - Monsters Among Us
143:28 Doc & Lena Selyanina - Movement in Stillness
149:02 Djinnestan - Kittenhead
158:23 Auzel - Imitation
158:57 Saluki Regicide - Rain III
166:40 pixyblink/Disturbed Earth - the creeps
172:48 Saluki Regicide - Rehearsal Of Ashes
174:42 Enrico Caruso - Tosca, E lucevan le stelle (April 1903)
176:59 Sadayatana - Outro

Source's preview
Fun show tonight. Played mostly stuff by C.P. Mcdill who was kind enough to allow me to mix his music. C.P. McDill is the mastermind behind Webbed Hand Records and has several projects/names he goes under. Among them: Saluki Regicide, Djinnestan, Drone Wallah, Tree Helicopter, and Akashic Crow's Nest. Webbed Hand Records gets a lot of play on Sadayatana. Very happy to do a show featuring so much of C.P. McDill's music.

Got to play a few other things. A couple tracks from the new The Implicit Order EP "For Your Eyes Only", and a couple from the new release up on Vuzh Music, Auzel's "Old", and a couple tracks from the new Treetrunk Netlabel release where Seetyca remixes Mystified's Trombone drone music. All very nice.


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