Techno-Релизы    2011    November
[wave008] Heike Becker - Drive On

[wave008] Heike Becker - Drive On

Label: Wavelike
Catalog: wave008
Format: MP3 320 kbps 
Released: 10.11.2011
Styles: Techno
Total time: 51:04
Size: 108.3 MB

01. Heike Becker - Drive On (Original) 6:10
02. Heike Becker - Drive On (DestroyER Remix) 5:58
03. Heike Becker - Drive On (Tony Silver Remix) 5:36
04. Heike Becker - Drive On (J Blind Remix) 6:21
05. Heike Becker - Drive On (Andreas Florin Remix) 6:44
06. Heike Becker - Drive On (Doryk Remix) 5:18
07. Heike Becker - Drive On (Pasquale Maassen Remix One) 7:37
08. Heike Becker - Drive On (Pasquale Maassen Remix Two) 7:16

Source's preview
"The warrior of light does not always have faith. There are moments when he believes in absolutely nothing. And he asks his heart: 'Is all this effort really worth it?' But his heart remains silent. And the warrior has to decide for himself. Then he looks for an example. And he remembers that Jesus went through something similar in order fully to inhabit the human condition. 'Take away this cup from me,' said Jesus. He too lost heart and courage, but he did not stop. The warrior of light continues despite his lack of faith. He goes forward and, in the end, faith returns." by Paulo Coelho


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