Techno-Релизы    2011    November
[SLNT028] Tapage & Rick de Greef - Outercloser Part Two

[SLNT028] Tapage & Rick de Greef - Outercloser Part Two

Catalog: SLNT028
Format: MP3 320 kbps 
Released: November 2011
Styles: Ambient Electronic
Total time: 15:42

1. The Fog in The Forest Made Us Forget [05:52]
2. Interlude [01:20]
3. We Followed The Path That Haunted Us [04:01]
4. The Valley Returned Our Echoes [04:29]

Source's preview
The four tracks on Outercloser Part Two tell a moving story of a loss of direction, desperation and a search for meaning in a confusing world. Floating in a vacuum of drifting soundscapes and passing melodic phrases there is always a frighting undertone beneath the surface. Be prepared to drift along developing
harmonies that balance between the echoes of our hopeful memories of the past and the terrifying prospects of an abandoned future.


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