Techno-Релизы    2011    October
[synthience004d] Crepusculo - Midnight Lotus Blossom

[synthience004d] Crepusculo - Midnight Lotus Blossom

Label: Synthience Records
Catalog: synthience004d
Released: October 2011
Styles: Ambient Electronic

1. Crepusculo - Feel Through The Vgn [09:32]
2. Crepusculo - Hidden Cloud Butoh [07:08]
3. Crepusculo - Midnight Lotus Blossom [08:48]

Source's preview
All track in is album is created with love and passion everything is about blossom and hidden things with good deep feelings inside. When you travel with those tracks- you would feel yourself like flower or your mind will blossom like a child and you will find a way of truth or something strange but nicely thoughts! Sometimes you will dance like a little slow movement with your soul or shadow. Of course, all these things is what Crepusculo feels like!

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