Techno-Релизы    2011    September
[Sadayatana 047] Secret Souls

[Sadayatana 047] Secret Souls

Label: Sadayatana
Catalog: Sadayatana 047
Format: 154kbps MP3
Released: 30.09.2011
Styles: Ambient Noise Soundscapes Podcast
Size: 197.2 MB

00:00 Deied - Intro + The Trip
00:40 Nagual Art - The Swan
05:02 Luis Antero - O Colecionador de Sons_Emissao 35_2011.09.12
12:01 Belltonesuicide - Effexor II
18:09 Abyss - Outro
21:12 Numb Silence - Antifons03 / Antifons10 / To Angel13 / Untitled / Guillotine
28:40 Jeff Sampson with Mystified - Corpse Raiser
36:31 01 - Presence
40:53 Luis Antero Water - Recordings II
41:39 08 - Hive
45:58 Playing With Nuns - Luxurious Vintage Audio (Feat. Talib Aziiz)
50:19 Vertex Germ - Muscimol
51:18 Playing With Nuns - Construction Delay
53:11 Nik XaOS - On the power of thought
60:07 Vacio Perfecto | Pharmakustik - MECCANISMORTE 01
64:12 Backyard Ghost - Salt And Water
70:49 Backyard Ghost - Misty Grave Serenade
75:47 Backyard Ghost - 1979
85:41 the Implicit Order - Night
89:37 Backyard Ghost - Capgras Delusion
97:42 the Implicit Order - In the Sky...
101:49 James Wyness - The Bridge
114:29 Luis Antero - O Colecionador de Sons_Emissao 35_2011.09.12
120:40 Fabio Keiner - Sleep
127:54 Luis Antero - Water Recordings II
129:21 Fabio Keiner - Fukushima I
135:14 Caerula Sanguis - Stones That Crumble
140:16 Eccentrum - Quetzalcoatl
143:23 FugaSatanae - The Strange High House in the Mist
157:21 Leonid M. Zhest' - KaYA (Memory & Future)
161:15 Muhmood - Night
163:41 vagskal - we dream instead of live
167:08 Halgrath - Irae Seithoria
177:22 Hank Williams - Your Cheatin' Heart

Source's preview
This was a fun show. One of my best ones I think. Straight dark ambient with some noise and soundscapes.

Couple tracks from Mystified's as yet unreleased "Drifting". Actually it was released in 2007 for sale on recycled cassettes, but coming out again soon on Buddhist on Fire as CC music.

Backyard Ghost again. Played these tracks on "Calm, Happy Whispers", and listening to it later, it felt like I needed a seatbelt. Backyard Ghost rocks (in an ambient way of course...)

Played some music by Argentinian noise artist Playing With Nuns. The listener count on seemed to drop off as I did so. Maybe they thought it was technical difficulties with the stream. Their loss. So awesome.

Some excerpts from Luis Antero's fantastic field recordings. What a great ear he has. Good gear too apparently.

Snuck in some tracks from The Implicit Order. More of his newer releases later. So good this guy's music. Great samples.

Also tracks from Fabio Keiner's recent release "Departure". On the Petcord netlabel.

James Wyness: "The Bridge". Nice.

I think you will enjoy this as much as I did. I got into doing the show so much there was no voiceover until the end, but then I chopped that off as well. So it's the first podcast where there is no voiceover interruption... Happy listening.


06.10.2011 17:12

пока еще третья минута- ничего обнадеживающего не проскочило!

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