01 Gebethsmuhlenarthige Lufftfigur
02 Womit Niemand Rechnet
03 Wie Man Sich Eyne Schnuppe Abmacht
04 Schutter Wider Willen
05 Man Hort Ja So Einiges
06 Strahlend In Das Loch Hinab
07 Man Nimmt Und Nimmt Und Hat Doch Nicht
08 Eyn Uberirdisch Glattes Fach
09 Von Sternen Traumen Und Doch Nicht Weg Konnen
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I got an email from seetyca in July. It said: Shalom, and thanks for playing seetyca. I sent back an email, the substance of which was: "you're welcome but how about playing live on Sadayatana?"
Well, he did and it worked out well. Rather than him staying up late to fit stillstream's schedule, we had a special edition of the show where he played for two hours in the afternoon (afternoon in Texas anyway.) His performance was rebroadcast on the following Sadayatana.
This release then is his remastered version of the set he did for Sadayatana, released on Sadayatana podcast: "The Flavour Blue". I enjoyed this immensely and I am sure you will as well.