Techno-Релизы    2012    April
[Sadayatana 075] Some World

[Sadayatana 075] Some World

Label: Sadayatana
Catalog: Sadayatana 075
Format: MP3 156 kbps
Released: 07.04.2012
Styles: Ambient Drone Soundscapes Podcast
Total time: 02:59:40
Size: 200.6 MB

00:00 - Frenic - Time Present Now (edit)
01:12 - Mensa (aka Edu Comelles) - TS20
10:31 - John Tocher - Chinese Hauz (field recording)
10:34 - Mensa (aka Edu Comelles) - TS20
18:14 - Mensa (aka Edu Comelles) - TS40
23:56 - John Tocher - keyboard
23:58 - Mensa (aka Edu Comelles) - TS40
33:02 - David Velez - Forma y percepción
48:22 - seetyca & etheocles stevens - an endless sea of sulphur
58:38 - Materia Confusa - Axis Mundi
63:39 - Chris Whitehead - 1Dunes
70:41 - John Tocher - Train
71:43 - Edu Comelles - campanes_01
74:30 - Alozeau & Edu Comelles - N 39 4783 E 0 3771
84:39 - John Tocher - Night.Sounds
91:40 - Mensa (aka Edu Comelles) - TS50
115:36 - Mensa (aka Edu Comelles) - TS60
136:01 - Ice Guild Kaiser - The Arcane Dreamboat
140:39 - Ice Guild Kaiser - A Porcelain Astronaut
147:44 - Mensa (aka Edu Comelles) - TS60
148:42 - Mystified - SSB2120
153:54 - Ice Guild Kaiser - Weathered Dollhouse
156:31 - Mensa (aka Edu Comelles) - TS60
162:16 - John Tocher - 2012 01 06 TCT VO
163:17 - seetyca & etheocles stevens - glowing holes in the night sky
171:36 - Mensa (aka Edu Comelles) - TS70
176:19 - Ruth Etting - April Showers
178:49 - Mensa (aka Edu Comelles) - TS70

Source's preview
Tonight's show was mostly a mix of music released last week by Edu Comelles in his guise as Mensa and a various field recordings by... me. I really like the music of Edu Comelles and his label I think you will too.

New from Impulsive Habitat: David Velez's "Forma y percepcin".

A few more tracks from the new release at Seetyca & Etheocles Stevens: "Sulphur VI".

Also new from Webbed Hand Records, tracks from the new Ice Guild Kaiser "The Past Is Foreign, and from Materia Confusa's "".

Also new music from Mystified. He took a track I played at the end of Sadayatana show #37 "Night Owl Theater, a 78 of the French "Garde Rpublicaine" Band playing "The Star Spangled Banner." and droned it out somehow. It totally rocks.


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