Techno-Релизы    2012    April
[Sadayatana 076] Signs and Stars

[Sadayatana 076] Signs and Stars

Label: Sadayatana
Catalog: Sadayatana 076
Format: MP3 140 kbps
Released: 14.04.2012
Styles: Ambient Drone Experimental Podcast
Total time: 03:00:34
Size: 181.5 MB

00:00 - Public Domain - Test Broadcast, Programme 2
00:37 - Another Neglected Hobby - 01 - Another Neglected Hobby - Voltage
23:58 - Deer - downersAndBottles
30:32 - Jeff Sampson - Swarm
35:31 - Seven Morgues - Frames
45:24 - downercow - Bovine Flux [A Slight Return]
45:26 - Jeff Sampson - Swarm
51:39 - Steam flow - Melancholy Rain
55:11 - deafness - 32 teeth
61:38 - (o)thers - Christie White [radio edit]
66:32 - Kristus Kut - Orgasmic Nirvana
74:05 - Dan Minoza and Shane Morris - Black Lotus
81:48 - Mama Baer Hjuler - Drei Stuecke
89:02 - Shane Morris and Pixyblink - Ruby Blood
96:49 - Deer - washYourHandsOfWeirdness
101:19 - Nimheil - Infocalypse
102:14 - Deer - theToneOfStrengthAndFear
110:46 - By Force, The Snoring Oceans - 1130
119:54 - Christian Galarreta - hbtcn Bs As
123:48 - Chris Lynn - Scenic View Voices leaving Vancouver
127:37 - Kirill Platonkin - Something's Watching From Above
131:40 - Julia van der Piller - Dark Symphony
135:34 - Altocumulus - Evelyn in the Desert
142:00 - The Euphoric Hum - Hermetic
146:05 - Gydja - The Spirit of the Earth With Venom Intoxicate
154:04 - [v]arga - untitled
158:45 - Deer - theSmellOfInsincerity
165:43 - EugeneKha - In Shuttle Train
168:38 - Zreen Toyz - Walk With The Nuts In The Delirium
175:30 - Gabran - Sintesi
177:04 - The Mills Brothers - Paper Doll
179:33 - Fabio Keiner - Dance Like Branches 02

Source's preview
Show starts with a mashup of Public Domain's "Test Broadcast, Programme 2" and Another Neglected Hobby's "Voltage". I had played Voltage earlier in the week and was impressed enough for another go.

Several tracks were played/mixed from The Chestnut Tree compilation. I've been listening to this in the car now for over a week. It will be a while yet before I'm through --it is almost six hours of music. Very nice, Ayn Morgan of The Chestnut Tree has been working hard on it for quite a while.

Thank you to all the artists who contributed tracks. Featured one this show were tracks from: downercow, (o)thers, Kristus Kut, Dan Minoza and Shane Morris, Mama Baer Hjuler, Shane Morris and Pixyblink, Kirill Platonkin, Altocumulus, and Zreen Toyz. Go download now. You will thank me. Your mother will thank me.

Tracks from C. Reider's vuhz music label are featured, Jeff Sampson's "Swarm" and The Euphoric Hum: Flow. I really like this release by Deer: "Deer are three women with laptops and tape decks." So I play a lot of it.

Other music worth noting: deafness: "32 teeth", this got a oooh creepy or something in chat, the "Heathen Harvest Samhain Sampler 2011", Christian Galarreta: "Raw field recordings I : Habitacion en Buenos Aires (2011)", and "By Force, The Snoring Oceans" (self titled).

The show closes with another 78 digitized by C.P. McDill, the mastermind behind the Webbed Hand Records label, The Mills Brothers: Paper Doll. Thanks again C.P. McDill.


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