Techno-Релизы    2012    April
[Sadayatana 078] Ghost In Daylight

[Sadayatana 078] Ghost In Daylight

Label: Sadayatana
Catalog: Sadayatana 078
Released: 29.04.2012
Styles: Ambient Drone Experimental Podcast
Total time: 02:51:18
Size: 179.4 MB

00:00 - Stillborn Ghosts - l'ternel Dsaxement
00:00 - Macu - kcC
00:00 - Darkness And Silence - In the Deathroom
00:00 - Crocell - Automatic Side For Echoes
00:00 - FugaSatanae - Shadows
00:00 - FugaSatanae - The Strange High House In The Mist
00:00 - Pavonine - Rassemblement des choses qui portent malheur
00:00 - Kenji Siratori feat. Tardive Dyskinesia - Tragedy Module
00:00 - FugaSatanae - The Patrimony
00:00 - Deep Into Perspectives - Sawmill Symphonics
00:00 - Djinnestan - Comet Year Wine
00:00 - Digital Mass - The Murk
00:00 - IOK-1 - Vansinne
00:00 - Master Toad - Garden of Nightmares
00:00 - Lus Antero - Water
00:00 - emotion.i:void -
00:00 - R6 - Ritual Of North
00:00 - Luís Antero - Water Mill 2
00:00 - Red Fog - Arctic Neon
00:00 - The Ghost Between The Strings - The Fire From Below
00:00 - Epsilon Eridani - Retrospective
00:00 - Vladimír Hirsch - Skrol: Soaking / Movie Martyr
05:26 - Kiriloff's Balalaika Orchestra - A Life For the Czar
08:22 - John Tocher - Rain on Road 2012-04-21

Source's preview
Well... another disastrous show. I guess I spilled water on the keyboard or something. First a whole lot of files I had downloaded were erased --right before my eyes! Then the computer locked up just before the end. The times and track titles were lost and I had to reconstruct the playlist below by hand. Another Frankenstein podcast... some assembly required.

Don't take any of this as an indication that it won't be fun to listen to. It is! Trust me... I trust you.


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