Techno-Релизы    2012    August
[FR-pod074] Ritzi Lee - Freitag Podcast 074

[FR-pod074] Ritzi Lee - Freitag Podcast 074

Catalog: FR-pod074
Released: August 2012
Styles: Techno Podcast
Total time: 01:00:17

01. Take off (Cool Politics project 2004)
02. Snakepit (unreleased)
03. Nitro (unreleased)
04. Twinz (unreleased RL remix)
05. The Wanderer by K-Hand (RL remix on Underground Liberation rec.)
06. Process Action (on Underground Liberation)
07. Living in the City by Ben Sims (RL remix on Theory rec. UK)
08. Superluminal (unreleased)
09. CHECK OUT by KONTRA (RL remix on CONTRA records)
10. HypnoPunk (on Mastertraxx rec. UK)
11. Cosmic Rain (on Labyrynth rec.)
12. Meltdown (on Underground Liberation rec.)
13. Black Noiz (on Labyrynth rec.)
14. Black Dust (on Underground Liberation rec.)
15. Game One Ritzi Lee remix (by Infiniti on NightVision rec.)
16. Thorium by Jeroen Search (RL remix on Underground Liberation rec.)
17. Pimp the Princess by Orlando Voorn (RL remix on Underground Liberation rec.)
18. Tone Exploitation by The Nighttripper (RL remix on Underground Liberation rec.)
19. Controller (on Theory rec. UK)
20. Soundbite (unreleased)
21. On guard (unreleased)
22. FUNKORAMA by Tachini (RL remix on Elektrax recordings)
23. Midfield Filtered (on Underground Liberation rec.)
24. Utility 1 (unreleased)

Source's preview
All tracks produced by Ritzi Lee


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