Techno-Релизы    2012    August
[Sadayatana 095] Amongst The Tombs

[Sadayatana 095] Amongst The Tombs

Label: Sadayatana
Catalog: Sadayatana 095
Format: MP3 136 kbps
Released: 25.08.2012
Styles: Ambient Drone Experimental Podcast
Total time: 02:19:53
Size: 136.6 MB

00:00 - Jack Hertz - Caterpillar Stem 2 (unreleased)
01:21 - C. Reider - Drone For Oil
21:25 - Jack Hertz - Rain
41:13 - Pollux - Neo Tokyo
53:53 - John Tocher - Grove of Whispers #2(featuring Pixy Blink)
66:29 - Mystified - Elemental Dark
85:50 - Jon 7 - bell island
121:17 - C. Reider - White Cube Drone
135:13 - Vaughn Monroe - When the Sandman Rides the Trail

Source's preview
We are all our own graveyards I believe; we squat amongst the tombs of the people we were. If we're healthy, every day is a celebration, a Day of the Dead, in which we give thanks for the lives that we lived; and if we are neurotic we brood and mourn and wish that the past was still present.
- Clive Barker, Foreword: Books of Blood 1-3 (1984-85)


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