Techno-Релизы    2012    December
[Sadayatana 112] Into Darkness

[Sadayatana 112] Into Darkness

Label: Sadayatana
Catalog: Sadayatana 112
Format: MP3 139 kbps
Released: 22.12.2012
Styles: Ambient Drone Experimental Podcast
Total time: 03:01:07
Size: 180.9 MB

00:00 - emptywhale - A Lack of Warning Signs May Be A Sign Itself
04:16 - Another Neglected Hobby - Strange Awakening
17:38 - Wings of an Angel - Dance Me To The End Of Love
24:47 - The Implicit Order - End Game (2012 Won't Be The Year You Die)
30:48 - MusicMan11712 - Into the Void from Whence We Came
34:27 - Symatic Star - Baktun 13
51:45 - François-Emmanuel Fodéré - Chalukya Expres#
55:22 - Shane Morris - Aphophis
62:55 - Another Neglected Hobby - Fitful Sleep
68:47 - Aairria - netcode
71:47 - Aairria - breeding facility
76:17 - Shambala Networks - Pornographic Ezoteric Alliance
80:39 - Stephen Briggs - Atlas
83:19 - Har - B'ak'tun 13
89:51 - i AM esper - Ecotone
94:01 - No Way Out - Untitled 02
102:39 - emptywhale - Episode Ignored
116:23 - Creation Of Birds & Somnium - Naked Cold / Naked Dawn
132:46 - Neon Lotus - IV
141:02 - Marax | Monolith Zero - Depressive Accelerant
143:18 - Lucas Darklord - Sleep005
146:48 - December - Red Snow
149:45 - Henk - Laughter and the Headache
153:11 - MAbH - gdansk
156:32 - Cousin Silas - Nightflight Over Desolation
159:11 - elizabeth Veldon - ghosts
163:50 - mario sarramian - preparativos
166:13 - Lezet - skull tower (silence)
168:36 - Mindless M*z*k - Number 2
173:57 - Galati - Floe Edge II
177:22 - Martha Goldstein (Franzt Liszt) - Liebestraum No. 3

Source's preview
A few seconds later, new black clouds plunged everything into darkness, but I stayed on my feet, suffocating, feeling my hair in the wind, and weeping wretchedly, like Simone herself, who had collapsed in the grass, and for the first time, her body was quaking with huge, childlike sobs.

- Georges Bataille, The Story of the Eye (1928)


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