Techno-Релизы    2012    February
[GEO003] RFS - Wormholes EP

[GEO003] RFS - Wormholes EP

Catalog: GEO003
Released: 28.02.2012
Styles: Techno
Size: 86.1 MB

1. Walking on Mars
2. Wormhole
3. Kuipers Belt
4. Cloud of Oort

Source's preview
I always imagine an impossible journey. Since I was a child, I always had that sensation in my mind, where many nights ,unable to sleep , I witness surprising journeys created by my imagination alone . Mystic sensations, fear and at the same time peace, moving through a cold universe. Unreachable worlds that I could touch with my own hands, while recreating the sounds in my head of an empty space, without life. Thus I tried all this to reflect upon the music by recreating a travel further than Pluto. Sometimes I walk over the surface of Mars, leading to the title of the first track (Walking on Mars), recreating sounds from an unexplored and mysterious world. We continue moving forward, and we go through a Wormhole, hypnotic and increasing intensity, we let ourselves go, until we get further than our system, in 73 minutes. We find ourselves in the Kuiper’s Belt, tension is rising up, we come through a dangerous asteroid field, we accelerate to avoid disaster before ending our journey. After this risky stage we finally reach the Cloud of Oort where a carrousel of heavy atmospheres trap our senses, and a simple melody shows us to the end of our path, before opening the eyes.


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