Techno-Релизы    2012    January
[phoke77] Winterberg - Clouds under the bridges

[phoke77] Winterberg - Clouds under the bridges

Label: Phonocake
Catalog: phoke77
Released: January 2012
Styles: Ambient
Size: 100 MB

Auf der Helle I (5:31)
Auf der Helle II (6:02)
Abend (5:33)
... und der Mond scheint in der Finsternis (5:40)
Septembre (6:07)
Sonntag (6:24)
Im Schatten von etwas (5:53)

Source's preview
A cloud moving "unspectacularly beautiful", surrounding the semicircular, close to the sickle shape, deeply glaring in the moon, pulling layers of purity in a mystical theatre of time traveling, sending the aetherical stream from India across Norway to Istanbul, in the obscure but not dark, but artificial and subtle, "both frightening and beautiful" (GH).

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