Techno-Релизы    2012    July
[Lav52] Bruno Sanfilippo - Piano texture found

[Lav52] Bruno Sanfilippo - Piano texture found

Label: Laverna
Catalog: Lav52
Released: 15.07.2012
Styles: Ambient Electronic
Size: 43 MB

01. piano texture found
02. solitario
03. aquerelle sur bois

Source's preview
Laverna has decided to move away from the traditional path merely "Electronic Oriented", to devote some space to the delicate introspection that only the sound of a Grand Piano can give.
This has been done with "Piano Texture Found", three tracks of exemplary ambient purity created by Bruno Sanfilippo, an argentinean musician transplanted in Barcellona, who plays the diaphanous beauty of the Silence by enclosing it into drops of bright pianistic sacred atmosphere.
Improvisations, they are, that reshapes the listening in a kind of meta-journey within the unexplored lands of vision and of its equal: the Dream. From Satie, through Budd and far more beyond…


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