Techno-Релизы    2012    May
[phoke79] inicolabug - Ex Silicio

[phoke79] inicolabug - Ex Silicio

Label: Phonocake
Catalog: phoke79
Format: MP3 320 kbps
Released: May 2012
Styles: Experimental IDM
Total time: 59:06
Size: 140 MB

01. KnobHead 4:04
02. V1lla1n 6:53
03. TheBasement 5:50
04. Geek_Glitch 11:42
05. Tales of the biomechanical seagull 10:15
06. Tunnel in the synthetic darkness 9:12
07. Tooth of a device 11:08

Source's preview
Ada Lovelace will blast your surrogate® with her mind controlled butterfly UAV.

Massive full length album debut out of the the Eternal City. Acoustic Sci-Fi, which reminds of the so great old netlabel Sine Fiction. Dubious chaotic regulated switchpoints in a grid of time and imagination.

A special thanks to the audio engineers of Antilights Mixmaster and Artefacts Mastering for the mastering and to Emanuela March for the graphic project.


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