Techno-Релизы    2012    October
[Sadayatana 101] Delight In Shadows

[Sadayatana 101] Delight In Shadows

Label: Sadayatana
Catalog: Sadayatana 101
Format: MP3 139 kbps
Released: 06.10.2012
Styles: Ambient Drone Experimental Podcast
Total time: 03:00:07
Size: 179.6 MB

00:00 - John Tocher - At Novel Cafe Talking With Anthony
00:54 - Another Neglected Hobby - Deep End of the Night Sky
15:52 - TheePsionicAssembly - a gathering at thee end ov times
22:46 - Cousin Silas - Time Dilates
37:54 - Bird Paradigma - Closure
39:32 - I Am Esper - Cave Rituals
50:03 - Wehwalt - Anacoluthe K.
58:53 - Eccentrum - Legions
64:13 - Lienullnoyz - Bad Dream
64:31 - Mystified - Dream Journey
66:27 - TheePsionicAssembly - thee engineer has decreed
69:46 - Houkoliartilisominity - Afternoon Outsider
78:41 - elizabeth Veldon - rub of your make up and cover your arms because the lord hates beauty and joy
101:20 - Cousin Silas - Zenophobia
120:17 - TheePsionicAssembly - as souls turn to dust
139:47 - Müldeponie - A Cold Late Evening
150:17 - Eccentrum - Incinerator
159:22 - John Tocher - The Sonambulist Session 12a
175:06 - John Tocher - The Atrocity Chronicles
179:50 - Adolf Hitler - Some Hitler Speech (chopped and screwed)

Source's preview
Why should this propensity to seek beauty in darkness be so strong only in Orientals? The West too has known a time when there was no electricity, gas, or petroleum, yet so far as I know the West has never been disposed to delight in shadows. Japanese ghosts have traditionally no feet; Western ghosts have feet, but are transparent. As even this trifle suggests, pitch darkness has always occupied our fantasies, while in the West even ghosts are clear as glass. This is true too of our household implements: we prefer colours compounded of darkness, they prefer the colours of sunlight. And of silverware and copperware: we love them for the burnish and patina, which they consider unclean, insanitary, and polish to a glittering brilliance. They paint their ceilings and walls in pale colours to drive out as many of the shadows as they can. We fill our gardens with dense plantings, they spread out a flat expanse of grass.
- Jun’ichir Tanizaki, In Praise of Shadows (1933)


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