Techno-Релизы    2012    October
[BOF-039] elizabeth Veldon - The Transport

[BOF-039] elizabeth Veldon - The Transport

Catalog: BOF-039
Released: 09.10.2012
Styles: Electronic Experimental Noise

01. the transport
02. the dove descending breaks the air

Source's preview
The horrors of the holocaust can often leave us with a feeling of profound nihilism, an all-­encompassing hopelessness in the face of inhumanity.

In opposition to this stands the lonely figure of t.s. elliot working fire guard duty on the roof of faber and faber during the London blitz and finding his love for other people growing, coming to the realisation that the world is full of beauty that needs to be preserved.

Against hate stands love:

‘Who then devised this torment? Love.’

track one uses samples from transacord recordings of steam trains, track two a recording of t.s. elliot reading the first verse of the lyric section of little gidding


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