Techno-Релизы    2012    October
[Sadayatana 104] Experience Of Time

[Sadayatana 104] Experience Of Time

Label: Sadayatana
Catalog: Sadayatana 104
Format: MP3 145 kbps
Released: 28.10.2012
Styles: Ambient Drone Noise Podcast
Total time: 03:01:27
Size: 189.4 MB

00:00 - John Tocher - [LIVE] Grove of Whispers
06:00 - Grove of Whispers (featuring pixyblink) - Carmilla
22:52 - Zreen Toyz - Walking Of Velocipedes
27:37 - Vladimír Hirsch - Eísodos
34:32 - Grove of Whispers - Forester 1
35:07 - Metek - Utgång
36:28 - Covolux - Beach
41:35 - Ajna - Subconscious Snow Fields I
50:37 - Ajna - Subconscious Snow Fields II
54:23 - John Tenney - Weedwhackers (Lafayette, Ca)
54:58 - Grove of Whispers - Forester 2
55:57 - Lucas Darklord - Live At Audio Pollen
58:50 - Stream Angel & The Implicit Order - Midnight Obsessions
59:38 - Vladimír Hirsch - Vladimír Hirsch: Apotheosis
72:19 - Anastasia Vronski - Secret Place
72:35 - Grove of Whispers - Growl
94:29 - Grove of Whispers - Swirl
114:39 - Luis Antero - O Colecionador de Sons_Emissao #62 (excerpt)
119:31 - Grove of Whispers - [LIVE] Grove of Whispers
174:20 - elizabeth Veldon - diamond patterns where cut in the concrete
177:13 - Dugald McNeill - There's nane like Jesus
180:49 - Ravcan - Journey through the Space

Source's preview
The only experience of time that one can have is of a subjective time that is created by one's own mental processes, but in relationship to the Newtonian universe there is no time whatsoever. One exists in eternity, one has become eternal, the universe is aging at a staggering rate all around one in this situation, but that is perceived as a fact of this universe — the way we perceive Newtonian physics as a fact of this universe. One has transited into the eternal mode. One is then apart from the moving image; one exists in the completion of eternity.

- Terence McKenna


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