Techno-Релизы    2012    September
[Sadayatana 098] Explanatory Engines

[Sadayatana 098] Explanatory Engines

Label: Sadayatana
Catalog: Sadayatana 098
Format: MP3 142 kbps
Released: 16.09.2012
Styles: Ambient Experimental Noise Podcast
Total time: 03:01:32
Size: 185.2 MB

00:00 - John Tocher - [LIVE] Carnival of Lost Souls (Grove of Whispers Live)
61:45 - Grove of Whispers - The Somnambulist
94:40 - Grove of Whispers - Growl (unreleased)
121:05 - John Tocher - Noise Rain (unreleased)
151:46 - John Tocher - Before Dawn

Source's preview
A show where I remix my own music... It starts with a live remix of the horror film "Carnival of Souls", but since that and "Island of Lost Souls" are a couple favorites I called it "Carnival of Lost Souls".

An hour or so of that and the rest of the show consists of remixes of my own works (released and unreleased) and laying in some vocal samples along the way.

It was a lot of fun. I hope you enjoy it. I did.

Artist voices featured this time round included:

Akoustik Timbre Frekuency
Bing Satellites
C.P. Mcdill
Disturbed Earth
Jeff Sampson
The Implicit Order

Thank you for allowing me the use of your voices.


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