Techno-Релизы    2013    April
[Sadayatana 130] Flow Away

[Sadayatana 130] Flow Away

Label: Sadayatana
Catalog: Sadayatana 130
Format: MP3 143Kbps
Released: 27.04.2013
Styles: Ambient Podcast
Total time: 02:54:33
Size: 179.5 MB

00:00 - Ian D Hawgood - Earmuffs Blocking Out The City Noise
03:50 - Red Fog - Beyond The Halogen Halls
14:07 - Sun Hammer - Office Music (for Justin Snow)
23:04 - Spectra Atmospheric - Trail Of Drone
32:27 - Duncan Goddard - They're Not Loops
42:37 - Spectra Atmospheric - Glow From The Abyss
57:08 - IOK-1 - Disaster
64:00 - mutmut - Translate
67:51 - Gerry Miroux - Olha que b?iz
73:42 - EugeneKha - A Scanner Darkly
81:00 - Primus - Path Of Death (Part 2)
84:11 - Red Fog - Forest Of Diodes
92:20 - Usher - Zreen Toyz - DerTraum 4 Der Traum von Irmgard Moller
95:49 - Ptarkh & SiJ - Farabula
106:01 - Willy Stamati - Perfect Emptiness
108:02 - IOK-1 - Dead City
120:06 - IOK-1 - Radioactive Raindrops
128:50 - IOK-1 - Chernobyl Zone
134:52 - Ptarkh - Vibrations
138:13 - IOK-1 - Mutation Collapse
144:18 - Akoustik Timbre Frekuency - The Samhain Session for The Chestnut Tree
159:00 - Wings of an Angel - The Terrible Ambience Was Everywhere, Inescapable, Earthshaking, Horrifying. People All Over The World Were Locked Within It As If They Were Animals In A Zoo
166:48 - Rigel Centaurus - Расставание с Землей 1-2
177:57 - Cheikh Benhamida - Kemalou

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Year after year students tumble along like the waters of a river. They flow away, and only the teacher is left behind, like some deeply buried rock at the bottom of the current.

- Abe Kobo, The Woman in the Dunes (1962)


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