Techno-Релизы    2013    December
[CICUTA025] Willem B - Forte EP

[CICUTA025] Willem B - Forte EP

Catalog: CICUTA025
Format: 6 × File, MP3, EP, 320 kbps
Released: 15.12.2013
Styles: Techno
Size: 104.7 MB

1. Ipsum
2. Ipsum (Formal Method Remix)
3. Wide5
4. Wide5 (Structural Form Remix)
5. 059H3
6. 059H3 (Drugstore Remix)

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Welcome to the release number 25 of Cicuta Netlabel. This year has brought strong changes in our personal lifes. As in other steps in the life, has been great moments and difficult moments. We’re very grateful of no changes in your support to our work, and, most important, to free techno music. That’s why from Cicuta’s crew we would like to wish you merry Christmas and New Year “banging” all bad things of 2013.

To close this year, we would like to present you a new artist coming to Cicuta Netlabel for show his techno vision, dutch resident in UK, Willem B. Compromised from years ago with free music (in his Soundcloud profile you can find a lot of free stuff), he present 3 tracks which fits perfectly with our musical line, with acid and dark sounds, industrial atmospheres,… You will be pleased, for sure.

About remixers, we have two very special collaborations. In one side we have to hungarian Robert Kiss, more known as Doryk, or, Formal Method. This veteran of netaudio scene is manager of one of the most important netlabels in the hard/dark techno style, Audioexit Records, which recently has reached 6 years on air. Robert is also involved in other labels such as Black Strategy Records and Techno Pulse Records. We’re really happy to have one old friend on board.

On the other side we have (again) to Structural Form, artist resident in Madrid, partner of so many battles from years, and who always seduce us with his personal style, always hard, always old-school… One pleasure for us and for our ears.

As always, we have left our personal print as Drugstore, remixing one of the tracks, hope you like it.

Relax, listen and enjoy. Welcome, this is Cicuta Netlabel.


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