Techno-Релизы    2013    December
[Sadayatana 162] The Whisperer

[Sadayatana 162] The Whisperer

Label: Sadayatana
Catalog: Sadayatana 162
Format: MP3 121 kbps, Mix
Released: 22.12.2013
Styles: Ambient Drone Experimental Podcast
Total time: 03:00:59
Size: 157.1 MB

00:00 - circle of pines - charakcter
08:13 - Christian Doil - Liquidation
11:46 - circle of pines - sunphace
31:24 - Mike Abramowitz - Collage
34:08 - Tuonela - Set the captives free
43:36 - circle of pines - kies im wasser
59:36 - Christian Doil - Watering Meditation
69:23 - circle of pines - across the abyss
89:56 - Bulkrate - Nocturnals
97:54 - Luciftias - Beyond the Aether
116:52 - Stefan Paulus - Wake Induced Lucid Dream
147:55 - Bulkrate - Underneath the city
158:06 - Bulkrate - The howling from below
176:35 - Tree Helicopter - The Numbest Station

Source's preview
To this day I do not know why I obeyed those whispers so slavishly, or whether I thought Akeley was mad or sane. After what had gone before, I ought to have been prepared for anything; but this mechanical mummery seemed so like the typical vagaries of crazed inventors and scientists that it struck a chord of doubt which even the preceding discourse had not excited. What the whisperer implied was beyond all human belief—yet were not the other things still farther beyond, and less preposterous only because of their remoteness from tangible concrete proof?
- H. P. Lovecraft, The Whisperer in Darkness (1930)


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