Techno-Релизы    2013    February
[Sadayatana 119] Whirlpool of Strangers

[Sadayatana 119] Whirlpool of Strangers

Label: Sadayatana
Catalog: Sadayatana 119
Format: MP3 124Kbps
Released: 09.02.2013
Styles: Ambient Drone Experimental Podcast
Total time: 03:00:38
Size: 160.7 MB

00:00 - Ice Guild Kaiser - Rain 1
38:10 - John Tocher - [LIVE] Grove of Whispers
61:27 - Djinnestan - Rain 3
68:05 - John Tocher - [LIVE] Grove of Whispers
85:14 - Alphaxone - Opposite
92:36 - Alphaxone - Out of Depth
94:58 - nordbeck - The Palatine Light
106:13 - Tree Helicopter - Doctor's Gonna Do
121:05 - John Tocher - [LIVE] Grove of Whispers
121:15 - Grove of Whispers - Bruja (unreleased)
134:51 - Ars Sonor - Morning Blues
138:18 - Grove of Whispers (featuring pixyblink) - Carmilla
144:31 - Jarguna - Post Tenebris
157:41 - John Tocher - [LIVE] Grove of Whispers
178:44 - Judith Peacock Cummings - O tha n tombaca daor / Am buachaille dubh Fionnghail

Source's preview
In a corner of the concourse, by the main entrance, there was a small newsstand. The owner, a quiet, courteous old man with an air of breeding, had stood behind his counter for twenty years. He had owned a cigarette factory once, but it had gone bankrupt, and he had resigned himself to the lonely obscurity of his little stand in the midst of an eternal whirlpool of strangers. He had no family or friends left alive.

- Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged (1957)


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